Last Call to Join the ApeKin Mission!
Ahoy friends,
there are less than 48h left to join our ApeKin mission with ApeCoin prize pool!
Join via our game site before Tuesday 10 AM EDT / 15:00 EST or miss out on a great opportunity to win free ApeCoin!
100 winners will be randomly selected among all participants after the mission closes and receive 35 ApeCoin each. All you need to do is register in time and hold at least 1 ApeCoin (on ETH). The prizes will be distributed on ApeChain and are sponsored by the ApeCoin Metaverse Working Group.
More than 660 teams have joined so far, but since the raffle is per player the chances to win 35 ApeCoin are really good right now.
As for ApeFest Lisbon we had an amazing time meeting many new and old friends. It started off with the Creators Day from the ApeCoin Creators Assembly, where builders using ape IP, ApeCoin and/or ApeChain and brand partners such as BMW and Michelin shared their stories and experiences.
Our team and friends even met ApeKin at Convento de Beato, the ApeFest headquarter which was decorated with such amazing attention to detail.
Inside we were excited to see our video play at the Made by Apes Display and marvelled at all the different products fellow builders were making.
ApeFest was over too fast and we can’t wait to meet our web3 friends soon again.
In the meantime we keep on building and are happy we were featured again in the Bored Ape Gazette:
Until very soon!